I am having the most fun working on the weddings! I can't believe both of my children are getting married within a few months. The weddings are totally different, night and day you can say..............
Chase and Jackie's

Destination Wedding on June the 19th in Barbados. Jackie's colors are royal blue, pink and white. Jackie's aunt owns a resort in Barbados, Little Arches. http://www.littlearches.com/ She has blessed all of us with the opportunity of Chase and Jackie sharing their vows at their wonderful hotel. Such an awesome blessing. Her aunt is working on many of the plans, with Chase and Jackie putting their touch on the wedding. Chase finished the invitations (yes, he is creative like his MOM) last night and they are so incredible! I will be sharing them with you in a few days! Jackie's inspiration comes from a wedding in South Carolina. Elegant and sophisticated! Just like our beautiful Jackie!
Whitney and JD

Vintage style Wedding on May the 29th at The Carl House, Auburn Georgia. From Auburn, Alabama to Auburn, Georgia, we will be planning this wedding. ~ Totally different from Chase and Jackie's. The wedding is very laid back with touches of Whitney and JD's personality throughout the ceremony and reception. Whit's colors are brown and robin's egg blue, the colors of her sorority. The more we have worked on the wedding the more the theme has developed..... JD and Whit starting their own little "NEST". There will be birds nest with eggs throughout the decorations. This wedding matches their personalities.... vintage, sentimental and EXTREME (Ok.. maybe some of the extreme comes from me)

As a MOM I feel so blessed my children love me so much to allow me to have such a big part in their weddings. The greatest compliment in the world!
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