Hi Everybody! It's time for the Vintage Alphabet get-together. This month's letter is 'B'. Now, I have my Vintage Alphabet post up already. As you'll see my theme is 'B'ottle 'B'rush Trees, 'B'rooches, and of course 'B'irdhouses, you can show off your vintage 'B'arbie's, 'B'uttons, 'B'read boxes, 'B'rown transferware, 'B'lenko Glass, 'B'akelite, 'B'etty Boop.......these are just a few examples of whatever your vintage collection includes that begins with a 'B'. Mr. Linky is available below so you can join in. Just go to the link above. Remember you have plenty of time .....we'll leave this up for the week, so everyone has time to join the fun!!
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