Being an Artist, I tend to have a Collection of many objects- buttons, spools of thread, coins, shells, rocks, doorknobs, the list can go on and on....
Today I decided to show a Few of my favorite Collections~
So, Sit back, gather one of your old records, sip on some coffee and Enjoy...
Tour of Collections
The Charm House
Pink, Black and White Bridal Showers~
Milk Glass!

Sometimes I wear it,
sometimes I use it instead of a bow,
sometimes I use it for my Altered Art! 
Collection of old Tins....
Downstairs Basement ~ Fun Place to relive yourself!!
When I was younger, the lady that kept me would burn them!
I would beg her to let me keep them, if she only knew now...

Downstairs Basement ~ Fun Place to relive yourself!!
When I was younger, the lady that kept me would burn them!
I would beg her to let me keep them, if she only knew now...

As you can tell, I throw away very little..
My mother's old grease pot.
Trinkets from children in my Kids Praise Team at Church and
Clay pots that my children made... 

And we can't leave out my son's old Tonka Trucks. I use them in the herb garden.

Whoops... The driver dumped them in the wrong place!
I hoped you enjoy my Tour of Collections!

I hoped you enjoy my Tour of Collections!
A Collection can be built on anything and is good training for a child at any age! It gives them something to strive for and search out. And who says it has to cost much!
Look for my Tips for starting a Free Collection for a Family that are coming next week!
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