This is my last post before I announce the
winner of my Giveaway on Monday morning!
So... if you have not put YOUR name in the pot
do so over the weekend dear chickadees!
Next week I will be sharing with you my adventure over the past week. I had to take a day trip to Auburn, Alabama to take Whit some formal dresses for a dance she had last night. Sob, Sob... Oh, how I miss all of the wonderful Homecoming, Prom and Debutante dances she went to in High School! I am just thankful that she is getting the opportunity to wear all the wonderful dresses again! Anyways, Anywho and back to what I was discussing before I so rudely interrupted myself with the sobbing.... I went to Auburn and I DO NOT PLAN a trip to Auburn, Alabama without going Junkin'..... Girlfriends... Going down Interstate 85 between Atlanta and Auburn you can find some of the best little antique and junkin' places in the world! And my favorite little strip is in Opelika, Alabama! But, I can't get carried away now or I will totally give away my post for next week! So Stop Yvette and go Post NO More on that....
I will share a project that I could not wait to do once I arrived home! I pondered on it all the way, trying to figure out exactly how I was going to manipulate all the pieces into part to make it what I wanted!
I started with a plain old black simple ladies pump and a old torn up Baptist Hymnal that I found at Salvation.... whooops, can't tell you the name of the store yet because that will blow my post. Anyways and Anywho it was a "store" where I made a very, very, very cheap purchase.
This is my completed project~
I call it my
Sunday Go to Meeting Shoes

I will be using this to hold my business cards at
Vintage Village!!!
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