Little Birdie~ I purchased these cute little birdies at Hobby Lobby on sale for $1.50! Great Price! But I just didn't like the color~ No problem for me~ Just change it!
Tim Holtz Alcohol Ink and a cotton pad for the base. A little brown ink from an ink pad using a make up wedge to high light some edges and a charcoal pencil for fine details. To finish a coat of spray varnish! YEAH ~ A new little birdie to fly and perch onto one of my projects.

Finished Birdie

Birdie birdie before my handiwork.....

Cheese Tray from Goodwill for $1.19! Great Buy!!!!

Apply Scrapbook Paper.......

Sand Edges of Tray and Paint Easter Eggs.....

To make speckles on Eggs, Use Toothbrush with brown paint and flick....To finish eggs I sprayed with Spray Varnish.

For me to get the paint finish that I wanted, I painted the tray four different colors of my choice and then sanded the tray. This made the tray look old and used. I then hit the edges with an ink pad to give it more of an antique look. To finish, I gave it a coat of Satin Varnish.

Bottom of Tray....

Tray with nest and eggs!!
Oh So Sweet!

My finished Goodwill Project!
How about this for about a $2.00 project??
I think Birdie wants to sit by it!
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