Halloween at our house starts with Whitney and Reid carving "THEIR" pumpkin!

JD cannot be part of this father/daughter tradition.... So he has to sit and wait!

Glamour Shot before the night starts!

The Captain and the love of my life!

Chase, my son, who wanted to pass on this years theme!

"Bear" always has to be a part of all celebrations!

Whit and JD ~ Whit made their costumes!

My sister, Sonya, bringing food!

We are so ready for our trick or treaters!

The first and my favorite~ Emma Katrice! Also her mommy and daddy, my niece and nephew!

Whit and Daddy with their pumpkin!

Showing off his pirate shirt!

Someone took my camera!

Taylor and Whitney!
Halloween was so awesome this year! We thought the rain was going to put a damper on everything, but the KIDS proved us wrong! We had a record high of 180 kids this year, gave out of candy and had to turn out the lights and shut-down! We had so many cute costumes that were made at home! It was a perfect night!
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