I love the vintage look..... If it looks old, it will catch my attention. When I use fabric for my projects, so many times I find it necessary to tea-dye it before I use it. Here I am getting ready to make a rag garland and another rag corsage. This is a very easy process.

*Your fabric (make sure that it is a fabric that will hold the tea-dye such as any cotton or muslin)
*2-3 tea bags (depends on how large your pot is and how much fabric you are dyeing) I use LIPTON tea for the simple fact that a good Southern Sweet Tea is made with LIPTON.... And this girl loves Sweet Tea!!!
*Large pot filled with water.

Let the fabric set in the pot absorbing the tea for as long as you want. Of course the longer it sits the darker it will be.
Let the rags drain and then put the rags in a good area to dry.
I wish this was tea - dyed!!! Hmmmm...... I will be making a tea-dyed flower tonight!
This is the threads that I pulled from the muslin....
Any ideas on what to do with it????
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