Directions to make a Rag Flower~
First you have to make the ribbon from the cotton fabric that you want to use.
First you have to make the ribbon from the cotton fabric that you want to use.
Cut a very small slit into the fabric in the direction you
will be shredding the fabric about 1" wide to 2" wide.
Fabric will only rip in one direction and that is your yardage length.
Rip a long piece of fabric that is between 36" and 48" long.
Clean up the excess thread on the strip by just lightly pulling the excess thread.
Suggestion~ Don't throw away this excess thread.... As I was doing this I had projects from "trashy" thread pop into my head. You know me, I can't seem to throw anything away.
You will end up with a very clean, frayed edge strip of material.
Take one edge and fold into itself like a triangle. Keep folding.

This will be the center of your flower.
Take a knotted thread doubled over and secure your center.
Now you will take the same needle and thread to make a running stitch at the bottom of the strip all the way down to the end.
Pull the fabric back onto itself holding the string.

You will end up with a gathered strip of fabric like this:
At this point you want to twirl your fabric around the center, you will be forming a flower.

While you are doing this, your needle and thread are still attached.
When you have finished twirling it around the center, you will use your needled and thread and sew the bottom so that it will all stay attached.
Take a 2" to 3" chipboard circle and hotglue the bottom of the flower really good to the chipboard round. Attach embellishments to the flower, such as the center.
To finish off your pin, attach a pinback to the chipboard!

Note to Self~ Remember the other day when the Church board said the following....
The God who mapped out our FUTURE is the same God who is handling our PRESENT!
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