Start with a 9 X 13 piece of high quality construction paper for the background. From there you can use your scrapbook paper. I typed up the list of all the football players, coaches and cheerleaders to put on the placemat. I also collected a picture of each team and a picture of each girl to make each placemat special for that young lady. At this point it is a matter of just using your creative spirit and having fun. When finished laminate the placemat to protect. You can do this by doing it yourself or using an office supply store.
Are you a Team Mom or Room Mom and trying to think of a way to end the year off perfect? This is an idea that I inherited at my children's school at the end of the year banquet and I thought it was an excellent way to create a memory for the children! My daughter collected each year and they hang neatly in her closet where she can she them when she goes in.

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