
All month long I have been posting on my facebook things I am thankful for! Even with the health problems I have, I feel extremely blessed! I have a husband who loves and seems to just adore me, my kids are married to amazing people, in this economy we are somehow by the Grace of God hanging in there and I find my cup half full more so than half empty. When I think of the word Thanksgiving, I see two separate words Thanks and Giving. I truly believe our joy is found through giving to others and thanking those that give to us. I don't understand the world we live in today with all of the entitlements that are being given out. I question if we have become a nation of takers instead of givers. With that being said, I also believe that many in our nation have turned their back on God. For me.... I could not live if I did not have God to lean on. He is my foundation for everything, through His Word He teaches me how to live daily. Through Him I know the true meaning of ThanksGiving and Christmas.

 I am thrilled about the Christmas season. I have been crafting for it since July with friends and family. I plan on having all of my shopping and decorating finished by the first of December. I want to relish all that the month and God has to offer me. I want to enjoy visiting with my children that I only get to see a few times a year. I want to be in the spirit of doing for others. I want to experience Christmas to the fullest!
I hope you enjoy the following pics. Please feel free to share with a link to my blog!



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