I love Christmas!!! I can't help it, but I try hard to think about the joy and the reason for Christmas everyday and I try to live as if it was Christmas everyday! If we think about it, Christmas is the gift that is given to us everyday! We wake up with the gift and we drift to asleep every night with the gift. The gift takes us through our highs and lows each day, it brings us joy each day!
I'm the person everyone complains about having decorations in place before Thanksgiving, singing Christmas carols the day after Halloween and the person who has all of her Christmas Shopping finished by December the 1st just so she can enjoy each and every day of December!

I love the sounds of Eddy Arnold, The Brooklyn Tabernacle, Bing Crosby, Ella Fitzgerald, Harry Connick, Jr. and Diana Krall. They can warm my heart as fast as a well built fire in the fireplace!
I have a few favorites such as Andrea Bocelli singing When A Child is Born and probably my all time favorite~ Bing Crosby and David Bowied singing The Little Drummer Boy. Oh, and if you have not heard Gene Autry perform One Solitary Life.... You better go to Itunes and look it up! We are so blessed to live in a Country where Christmas means the celebration of the Birth of Jesus! So many places celebrate Christmas as a day to have fun, share gifts, decorate and with Jesus no where to be found in their hearts.
As we start the season soon, what songs can you share with me that are your favorites?
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