Well, by the time this post is up, Whit's wedding day will be here and gone! While writing this post I thought ~Everything I create (invitations, programs, I mean everything) has to tell a story. Maybe that is the artist in me. When we create we are constantly thinking about the story of the piece. When making this piece I found that the bird represents me..... The two eggs, my children JD (son-in-love to be) and Whit (our daughter). I thought about how hard it is for a MOM and DAD to let go of our children, to let them create and feather their own nest. The shredded vintage paper represents how as individuals, we can take anything and everything and use it to Glorify God! I loaded the nest with feathers~ Whitney loves to use feathers in her art. I can't believe that I am sitting here crying.... They are tears of JOY for my children. Children that have taken their stand in the Lord! I think I may create my own little nest, with two birds (Reid and I) and four little eggs (Jackie and Chase & Whitney and JD)~ Our Nest....
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