North Georgia is Ice covered and with Ice our State stands still! It is a funny Ice this time, maybe a few snow sprinkles... But the ICE can be so dangerous here! We had a 27 car pile-up on one of the Interstates this morning. It's not that we do not know how to drive on it, It's that our State is not prepared for weather like this! I will say a few drivers don't respect the ice, but most do and the black ice still gets them! Saying that... Please, if you are from the North don't rub it in our face saying that we don't know how to drive ON it! Most of us also do not know how to Ice Skate...... LOL I love my Southern life and ways and this is an area that really gets to me when Northerners tell us that WE don't know how to drive!
Enjoy the "sweetness" !
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