Shame on me..... I am sitting here thinking what in the world has taken me away from my blogging? To be honest, I have not really sat down at my computer at all!!! I could say that starting up my little booth at Vintage Village has been so exciting, but very time consuming! No..... I can't really use that as an excuse! How about the fact that Chase and I went to Auburn to get Whit settled into her apartment? Well, Chase would say that would have to be a NO... I sat around and just gave instruction. Maybe my creative spirit just needed a break, we all need that sometime!
Anyways and Anywho, Life has been very busy lately.
It has been that busy sort of life where you take every minute and enjoy!
With Halloween coming up I thought I would share a tradition held by my daughter and my wonderful husband...... Pumpkin Carving at Halloween! They have been doing it for years and still, Whit makes the effort to come home from College to carve a pumpkin with her Daddy! Traditions..... I love them!
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