What is it about November that so many of us enjoy?
Is it Thanksgiving, when, we take time to think about all the many things that we have to be truly thankful for or is it the beautiful colors that God daily provides for us showing us HIS majesty?
Is it because we know that family is coming home and once again we will be gathering as one?
Or is it getting your family ready for that PERFECT (Thanks goodness for digital camera's where you can take 150,000 shots because certain children, who will remain nameless, hates to have this Christmas picture taken every year or likes to pick on HIS mom~ I love you darling!) Christmas card picture?
I'm not sure, maybe it is just a prelude to what December is to bring!
Yes, like one of Handle's great pieces, just the beginning of something GLORIOUS ~ December!
What are some of your favorite NOVEMBER MEMORIES?
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