do you have laying around your house?
Blogging about Baby Showers has me thinking about my own babies (Chase 24~Liberty University and Whitney 20~Auburn University) and I wanted to share a piece of altered art that I made using some of Chase's toys and some toys that I purchased showing off his personality (The bear at the top because they call him Grizzly Adams)! I hate throwing away "stuff" and I also "feel" like I can use it at some point. Here is a good example! I love this little lamp and every time I look at it I can't help but smile. I hope it goes in his home one day or at least in his child's room! It was really easy to make, it just took time gluing the pieces on (E6000 and blue painters tape to hold them until it was dry). After it was finished, my husband (I break out from head to toe) poured epoxy over the whole project for me! So, save those little toys your children love to play with and make your own keepsake lamp!
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