I love to get comments, but for some reason I can't seem to stir up very many from you! LOL I know that I have visitors to my blog (I have this wonderful counter) and also WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME~ But, I would also would love to hear from some of YOU and know you were here! If you think you can't leave a comment because you don't have a blog~ WELL YOU CAN! All you have to do is set-up a google account in "my leave a comment section". It is SIMPLE AND FREE. And heck, if something is free now days~ take it!
PaintiPatti requested that I post some pictures of our balcony garden! So here it goes~ I will tell you a little bit about each picture as I go~ Follow me....
Our solution to the Georgia water problem and deer...

Container Gardening up HIGH with us RELAXING more!
The other plus~ The garden is right outside my art studio!

Is it not wonderful in the South???
Mango Tea with fake strawberries (Hey... I had to do it for the pictures)
Me and my Trinkets......

Next week I will share pictures of some of mine and tell you why!
the acme of happiness; perfect felicity; heavely rapture.
supremely happy; enjoyable
Create your own BLISS by making incredibly, good choices!
e Adams
PaintinPatti requested that I post some pictures of our "new" balcony garden.
So here it goes~ I will tell you a little about each picture as I post.
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