So......... I get a phone call from my daughter Whitney last night and she is so excited. Now to
remind you of things. Chase and Whitney, my college age children, are working on St. George Island at
Jeanni's Journey's providing kayak tours and environmental camps for children. This is Whitney's first year, so basically she has been assisting Chase on the tours. Now, back to that exciting phone call.......... My little baby girl calls and informs me that she will be "LEAD GUIDE" today on a kayak tour, not just any kayak tour, but the
alligator ridden,
slimy and I will mention again ~ scary ~ tour! I can't believe my beautiful little girl that was cheering her team on to victory a year and a half ago is now this gutsy, extreme, tough woman! Chase has her by himself for one month and now look, she is a changed woman! I kinda like this! THANKS CHASE!!!!
Hmmm..... I now have one tough girlie!! And I have always had one tough, crazy, extreme, wild son!!!! I love you and miss you both!!!
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