Everyone has that special place, a place they can go, close their eyes and still all five senses can come alive at once! For me that place is the beach~ I can go and leave everything and everyone else behind with the exception of the one that I am with and the Great Creator! There is something about arriving at the beach house, flinging the doors open, jumping on the bed and just closing your eyes to the crushing sounds of the waves. Nothing in the world is more peaceful to me! I love to walk the beach and while others are looking for that perfect seashell, I search out for the ones that have been tumbled, tossed and worn; just like me. I find so much beauty in these shells because like these shells I know that God has to put us through trials, valleys, and the worst of times, so that we may slowly be the beautiful child that He desires. I am so blessed to have found this Island twenty years ago. There are more houses here, but really little has changed. It is my haven, my running place, the place that I know that surely no one can deny God!
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