I believe that every day God is so willing to rain tremendous blessings on us if we are willing and IF WE ARE LOOKING FOR THOSE BLESSINGS! They can be little or they can be big! For instance, I really do not like shopping at my local Wal-mart and at times I will travel the extra distance just to go to a better Wal-mart. Yesterday I was in a hurry so, it was the local Wal-Mart and it demanded a short prayer on their part, but mostly on my part for patience!!! As I drove up, I immediately found a front row parking space (God Moment as my family calls it) which called for a Thank you God! As I went in to purchase all my neccesities, which including replacing my 20 year old Singer sewing machine, I went up to pay for all of my items. When the total came up, I knew it was to much. After receiving my tally, I slowly proceeded to the exit doors and of course the door alarm went off which prompted the ederly lady to ask for my tally. At that moment, I seen the error.......... My sewing machine was $40.00 more than what it said on the shelf. The lady looked at me and could see that I had a problem, said not to worry about the door going off, it went off all the time. She would look after my buggy and I could go and straighten out my tally. Now, I had already dealt with my local Wal-mart on many issues and this manager really didn't care. My objective was to ask him to change the price on the counter and bite the bullet on the $40.00 and not let it happen to the next person. When I arrived at the desk to see the manager, a new manager appeared. She was so polite and so willing to help me. We went back to the sewing machines, she seen the problem, she corrected it and marched me back to the cash register, gave me $40.00 and was thanking me for helping them to correct a problem! WOW, I was in pure SHOCK! I had never been treated like this in my local Wal-mart before! This was a total GOD MOMENT! Also, if the door alarm had not gone off~ I would not had stopped. Thank you God for sounding the trumpet at the door!
MY POINT>>>>> We have to ask God to shower us with Blessings, be able to recognize them when HE does and then Praise HIM like crazy to others! That is our purpose! Be the shining light in the darkness! If as Christians we would go around confessing how good God is to us, then others would want that same God living in them! What a difference that would make. We can't go around moaning and groaning all the time... Who wants that! Oh yeah I remember, THE DEVIL desires that! God tells us to Be full of Joy!
I challenge each and every one of you to share your blessings in 2009!
Share those God moments!
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